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Game Visual Design for Reconnect

The "21 Day Challenge: Food Donation" Game is organised by Reconnect and designed and illustrated by Happihood Design.


Reconnect is a Social Enterprise specialised in Environment Education. Reconnect Environment designs and delivers empowering environmental programs as extra-curricular activities for schools, to reconnect students back to the environment through value transformation.


To complete the students’ understanding of food loss minimisation at pre-consumer level, a key challenge is for the students to develop a habit of taking food inventory and food donation.

Project: Game Illustration and Visual Design 

Client: Reconnect Environmental Institute​

Year: 2015

Art Director: Jola Happihood​

Illustrator: Amy Jean​

#illustration #childrensgame #socialenterprise #HKdesign #gamedesign #HKSE

#Fooddonation #charectordesign #cuteanimals

透過結合網上遊戲「21日惜食大挑戰」之 愛心捐食行動,旨在透過電腦遊戲讓同學明白健康飲食和食物捐獻的概念, 在二十一日內建立新的良好習慣。完成遊戲後, 表現優秀的同學會得到禮物作為鼓勵。



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